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Team Developed | Iterative Prototype​


Responsibilities: Game Design, Coding, UI, Testing


  • Unity

  •  C# Language



Traveler was an iterative prototype that was developed in the span of two months for one of our game design classes. The idea was to take a simple idea for a prototype and improve it by adding different gameplay elements as well as juice. Our idea was to create a simple space exploration game with the ability to farm certain resources from each planet. The goal is to last as long as possible without running out of resources.  



Coding has always been a challenging aspect of game design for me and I used this project as an opportunity to get better at it. For this project I was tasked with creating the exploration mechanic itself. I was able to tackle this challenge with the use of nodes and waypoints and I gained a fair bit of knowledge in this area. Technical takeaways aside, it was also a great opportunity to document the iterative process. 

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